In 2017, The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL) partnered with Legal Services of Eastern Missouri to implement an important program to encourage and support pro bono legal services, and to publicly recognize those lawyers and law firms who stepped up to the Challenge. Seventeen St. Louis law firms, including Fox Smith, LLC, accepted the challenge and signed up as charter participants pledging ten hours of pro bono work per attorney for 2017. The goal of this Challenge was to bring the assistance of St. Louis attorneys both to those in need of legal help but who could not afford it, and to charitable endeavors. Thanks to the efforts of the firm’s attorneys, Fox Smith was presented with an Award of Achievement. The Challenge has been renewed for 2018, and formally launched at a luncheon event on January 25, 2018, at the St. Louis Club, during which participating firms, including Fox Smith, signed a ceremonial pledge that is on display at the BAMSL Bar Center.
Fox Smith LLC presented Award of Achievement
- Fox Smith