Drug and Medical Device Litigation
We have defended thousands of pharmaceutical and medical device claims in courts around the country.
Fox Smith attorneys have been designated as trial or regional counsel on cases involving acne medications, cholesterol drugs, antibiotics, birth control pills, hemophilia/HIV, diabetes drugs, H2 blockers, biologics, and over-the-counter (“OTC”) drugs. Additionally, we have formed and led teams in multi-state “wave discovery” in multiple MDL and mass tort settings, to include for anticoagulant drugs, acne medications, transvaginal mesh products, and proton pump inhibiting drugs.
Whether your company is international or located in the U.S., whether you are looking for lead trial counsel or for local counsel well versed in the region’s courts, or if you seek assistance for discrete tasks or questions involving your company’s products or situation, we have the experienced attorneys to help.
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