Environmental Law
Environmental Law presents ever evolving challenges in today’s world.
Fox Smith attorneys are experienced in handling regulatory compliance and permitting matters as well as litigation. These matters include issues arising from major federal environmental acts, including the Clean Air Act (CAA), the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), as well as state law-based counterparts.
We have advised and represented a variety of clients including major oil and gas producers, manufacturers, inland maritime industry, industrial equipment, timber and agricultural industry and non-profit organizations.
Our representative experience includes:
- Defense of state and federal class actions relating to claims alleging groundwater contamination.
- Service as Midwest Regional Counsel for a major oil refiner in connection with litigation arising out of the use of gasoline additive.
- Representing the plaintiff in a cost recovery action relating to the cleanup of an oil refinery listed on the CERCLA National Priority List.
- Defending contribution claims related to CERCLA Superfund site.
- Negotiating and resolving Natural Resource Damage liability arising from mining operations.
- Advising companies in the marine industry on compliance obligations including NPDES permitting and the intersection with U.S. Coast Guard requirements.
- Responding to and defending against violations issued by state and federal agencies.
- Providing advice concerning various environmental regulatory programs including permitting.
- Successful handling of filed and threatened citizen suits under RCRA and CWA.
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