Richard Korn recently wrote an article, published on a website designed to provide information and guidance to non-profit agencies, regarding the recent failed attempt by the Missouri legislature to overhaul the Missouri Human Rights Act. The MHRA, to many people’s surprise, is a very employee-friendly statute and one which can catch an employer by surprise if it is ever faced with a claim. The Act, for example, provides that individuals can be held personally liable if sued for discrimination and/or retaliation. Under the federal laws (such as Title VII, the ADA, and the ADEA) on the other hand, individual liability is not recognized. The revised statute, had not been vetoed by Governor Nixon, would have eliminated individual liability. The revised statute would have also placed caps on the damages available to an employee in the event he/she prevails on a claim brought under the Act. For more information, please click here.
Richard Korn authors article regarding the recent failed attempt by the Missouri legislature to overhaul the Missouri Human Rights Act
- Fox Smith