Ted Lucas has been invited to speak at the 2014 Greater New Orleans Barge Fleeting Association River and Marine Industry Seminar. Ted’s presentation will focus on insurance coverage and other issues that often arise when a barge or towboat sinks. This national seminar is scheduled for April 9-1 1, 2014, in New Orleans, Louisiana. This is the second time that Ted Lucas has spoken at this seminar.
https://anobfa.com/seminar.htm . https://foxsmithlaw.com/media2013 detailing what instruction the plaintiff had been given, relying on the records of a subsequent treating physician and other evidence in the case Richard and Mike were able to convince the jury that the plaintiff, notwithstanding his denials, had been adequately counseled about the need for the post procedure testing but simply failed to have it done before having unprotected intercourse with his spouse.
After a six-day trial and multiple witnesses, including experts, the jury deliberated just over one hour before reaching a verdict in favor of Richard and Mike’s client.